What Age Can I Take My Baby to the Beach?

One of the best family vacations is a trip to the beach. So, the first question that will come to mind is what age can I take my baby to the beach? In this post we are going to discuss the different ages you can take your baby to the beach.
We will go into what to expect when taking your baby to the beach. A review of baby beach safety and what you need to do to keep your baby protected at the beach. Lastly, we will review a comprehensive guide on all of your baby beach essentials.
What Age Can I Take My Baby to the Beach?
There is no set age limit, but there will be things to consider at each stage. Babies at different ages will require certain precautions and things you will need to keep in mind for your trip. Keep reading to understand the needs of babies at each stage when going to the beach.
Taking Newborns to the Beach
Newborn babies refer to ages birth-2 months. Whether you take your newborn baby to the beach depends more on you, the mom and how you are feeling. At this age, babies are still sleepy and docile. You won’t be taking them to the beach to splash around the water or play in the sand. You will be taking them to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh sea air and sunshine for yourself. If you are feeling up to it, start with a short morning stroll along the beach with the baby. Bring the carseat down on the sand with your beach chair to sit and watch the waves.
If you are planning a beach vacation with a newborn, make sure to set up your expectations. Pack light. Bring a comfy chair to sit in. Bring along items that you will be comfortable with. If you are nursing and prefer to use a nursing pillow, then bring that to the beach with you.

Taking an Infant to the Beach
Once your baby is past the newborn stage, a trip to the beach will become a bit more involved. Babies between the ages of 3 months and 6 months can be one of the best ages to enjoy the beach with your baby. At this age they are most likely not yet crawling or moving around. This is a great age to get those first moments at the beach together. They will still be napping so that you can enjoy some downtime to yourself.
Create a space for your baby in a beach tent. Bring something that they can nap in. This can be anything from some folded up towels to a space you make in the sand under the tent. We brought our Boppy Pillow down to the beach with us. We covered it in towels to keep sand and water away. This was something our daughter was familiar with. We wanted to keep her routines as close as possible to what she had at home. At only three months old, she was still taking a lot of cat naps in her nursing pillow most of the day. She slept great at the beach thanks to these small familiar items.
Important Safety Tips When Bringing Your Baby to the Beach
There are a lot of things you will want to consider and prepare for when bringing a baby to the beach.
✓ Keep in Mind Sun Safety for Babies
According to the FDA and American Academy of Pediatrics babies who are younger than 6 months should avoid wearing sunscreen. This is to protect their sensitive skin. Instead, you can protect your baby from the harsh UV rays of the sun by keeping them in the shade. Keep them covered in UV protected clothing. Try to also avoid times of the day when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest or between 10:00am and 2:00pm.
✓ Keep Track of Babies Body Temperature
Keep a close eye on your baby’s body temperature. It is important to ensure your baby does not overheat. A portable, battery operated fan is a great way to keep a breeze going in your beach tent.
✓ Keep Your Baby Hydrated
Keep your baby hydrated by nursing or feeding often. Bring extra milk or formula. If you are breastfeeding remember to bring extra water for yourself. This will ensure you stay hydrated and nourished to care for your baby.
For more information about baby safety at the beach visit Healthychildren.org

Breastfeeding Your Baby at the Beach
Can you breastfeed at the beach? Absolutely. Every mama needs to learn how to get into her own groove to make breastfeeding easy and seamless. Here are some tips to ensure both you and baby are set up for success.
Find some shade. Set yourself up either under and umbrella or in a beach tent with UV protection. If using a nursing pillow makes things more comfortable then, bring one along. You can also roll up some towels to prop your baby up.
Nursing friendly swimwear is worth the investment if you plan on swimming a lot in those early years. Cake Maternity has some great options. This is a brand I personally used a lot when I was pregnant and nursing for their higher quality products. Another great brand is Seraphine. You will find some beautiful nursing friendly swim and beachwear from this store.
If you are like me and don’t want to splurge on a nursing specific swimsuit then use a regular one. One shoulder swimsuits could be a good option. But, you can also find ways to breastfeed in any swimsuit. Find a good oversize cover up so you can take any swimsuit down to feed your baby.
Beach Activities for Babies
Keep in mind then when taking a new baby to the beach your activities are going to change . Do not expect to be doing a lot of swimming and sunbathing. A beach trip with your baby should allow for you to take it all in. A chance for you to get out and feel the ocean breeze with your little one.
Yet, this doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the fun. Dip their toes into the ocean for that first feeling of cool salt water on their skin. Take a beach nap in the tent or two! Let them touch the sand for some sensory play. Bring a small kiddie pool along with you to fill up by your tent so they can sit and splash around in a safe space.
As your baby gets a bit older and more mobile you will bring in more activities to enjoy. Babies older than 6 months can begin to wear sunscreen. Make sure to pack some with high SPF to protect their skin.
Baby beach toys do not need to be elaborate. Find a few simple toys that will encourage them to explore and play in the sand and water.

Baby Beach Gear Essentials
When it comes to baby items, there is constantly a never ending list of supplies and gear that is coming out. Having a baby brings on a lot of new challenges. These are some items for your beach bag that we think are a must when taking your baby to the beach.
✓ Essentials for UV Protection
Tents with UV Protection will be a necessity for babies at the beach. Since you won’t be able to put sunscreen on them, you will need to keep them shaded as much as possible. It will also serve as a great place for nap-time and feeding.
Rash guards will serve as another protection from UV rays. Make sure your baby’s rash guard comes with 50+ UV protection. They come in so many fun and adorable patterns that will make for some cute first trip to the beach photo ops
Baby sun hat will help to protect their head and face. A large hat that covers their face and neck will be ideal. Most babies do not have a lot of hair. Making sure their heads have protection will be important for a full day at the beach.
✓ Essentials for Keeping Baby Happy & Healthy
Swim diapers will be necessary if you plan to take the baby in the water. Regular diapers swell up and eventually explode with the little water absorbent beads. Something you will not want to deal with, trust us!
Battery Operated Fan will be perfect to keep in the tent while they are napping. This will be especially useful on those days where the breeze isn’t too strong.
Baby Carrier is a great way to help baby nap on the beach. I love wrapping them up in a carrier and taking a long stroll down the beach while they nap. A good lightweight carrier will be more comfortable to wear at the beach. Baby carriers also come in handy when going to and from the beach. With the extra gear you will need to bring, you will appreciate the extra hands.
Keeping your baby hydrated will be especially important in the hot sun. If you aren’t breastfeeding or plan to bring pumped milk, then an insulated Milk Carrier will be needed. Make sure you have a plan in place for what you will store your baby’s milk or formula in and bring extra if needed.
✓Best Strollers for the Beach
Depending on your location you may want to bring your stroller to the beach. If you need to walk a far distance to get to the beach it will likely be easier to bring on. The best stroller for the beach will be one that has tires made for rough terrain. Strollers will be difficult to push through sand, so one that you can pull will be best. The Bob Jogging Stroller is an excellent option due to its large tires and easy manipulation.
A good alternative to a stroller is also a wagon with good tires. Especially for the beach, this is great to bring multiple kids along. You can also load up the wagon with a few beach necessities to avoid making multiple trips.
Summary: What age can you take a baby to the beach?
The answer truly is any age, but there are things to consider at each age before doing so. Most importantly make sure you feel comfortable and confident before going. A day at the beach with your baby can be a fun and relaxing way to bond. Keep the baby’s safety in mind at all times and you will be sure to have a wonderful experience.